We were recently asked what part of information technology operations law firm leaders should focus on to improve service delivery. Our Senior Technical Assistance Center Manager Eric Hoffmaster offers advice on taking your service delivery to the next level.


Service delivery is an integral part of information technology operations. It’s also the part which is most often the face of IT. Providing timely, correct and efficient support to end users is the cornerstone of a successful IT operation.


Here are some quick and easy avenues to take your Service Delivery team to the next level:


  • Develop a deskside manner. Service delivery isn’t all about fixing technical issues. Helping the people experiencing issues is equally important. Focus on deskside manner, treating the end users with respect, developing a relationship with the end user and treating them like a person.
  • Be proactive. Leverage monitoring tools to identify and detect potential issues before they become problems. You can often resolve issues before end users experience them, making your operations more effective and efficient and reducing the amount of time you have to interrupt end users. Invisible IT is good IT.
  • Document. If it doesn’t exist on (virtual) paper, it doesn’t exist at all. When you resolve an issue for an end user, document that issue and the resolution. It will help your team recall details and help with future, similar issues. Document repeatable and common tasks in order to maintain consistency across existing staff and easily train new staff.
  • Lead your team. Managing the day-to-day operations is not enough to create a stellar team. You need one or more people who can lead the team in the right direction; provide mentorship, coaching and technical development; and hold the team accountable for success.
  • Solicit feedback. Ask your end users how you are doing. Ask your team for feedback on their roles and responsibilities. Don’t be afraid of the answer. All feedback is helpful and will allow you to steer the team in the right direction.


No matter the size of your IT operation, the number of end users your team services or your operational maturity, implementing and developing these takeaways in your IT operation will fuel success and end-user satisfaction.


Want more help improving your service delivery? Contact us.
