In the dynamic world of law administration, staying ahead with the latest tools and technologies is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. Microsoft 365 (M365), a powerhouse of productivity and collaboration, is well-recognized for its fundamental features such as Word, Excel, and Outlook. However, beyond these essential tools, M365 harbors a treasure trove of functionalities that can significantly benefit law administrators in unexpected ways. Let’s explore five cool benefits of M365 that are likely lesser-known but incredibly impactful. 

  1. Advanced Data Governance

In the realm of law, managing sensitive data securely and efficiently is paramount. M365 offers Advanced Data Governance (ADG), which utilizes machine learning to help identify and retain important data while eliminating redundant, obsolete, or trivial information. This tool is a game-changer for law administrators by automating data management, reducing risks, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory policies. ADG’s ability to classify data across the organization simplifies the complex data landscape, making it easier to manage and protect. 

  1. eDiscovery with Advanced Analytics

M365’s eDiscovery tool equipped with advanced analytics is a boon for law administrators. It allows for the effective searching, securing, and collecting of electronic data to support legal cases. What sets it apart is its advanced analytics feature, including predictive coding and text analytics, which streamlines the review process by prioritizing data sets. This capability not only saves time but also significantly cuts down on the costs associated with manual data sorting and review. 

Within M365, eDiscovery capabilities are split into several components, including: 

  • Core eDiscovery: Allows organizations to identify, hold, and export content found across M365 services. 
  • Advanced eDiscovery: Builds upon Core eDiscovery by providing additional functionalities, such as in-depth analysis, review, and tagging of documents, predictive coding, and text analytics to help further reduce the volume of data for review. 

These tools are part of the broader compliance features offered by Microsoft 365, designed to aid organizations in managing their legal obligations and reducing risks associated with data and compliance management. 

  1. MyAnalytics for Personal Productivity Insights

Law administrators often juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. MyAnalytics offers personalized insights into how individuals spend their time, with recommendations on how to work smarter and carve out time for focused work. This feature is instrumental in enhancing productivity and work-life balance, making it a hidden gem within M365 for busy professionals looking to optimize their workday. 

  1. Microsoft Teams for Secure Collaboration

While Microsoft Teams is renowned for its communication capabilities, its features tailored for secure collaboration in the legal sector are less widely known. Teams provides advanced security measures and compliance capabilities that are crucial for sensitive legal discussions. Features like private channels, information barriers, and data loss prevention policies ensure that sensitive information is shared securely and stays within the intended audience. 

  1. Automated Workflows with Power Automate

Power Automate, part of the M365 suite, allows law administrators to create and use automated workflows that streamline repetitive tasks and processes. From managing email alerts to automating document approvals and signatures, Power Automate can significantly reduce manual workloads, minimize errors, and improve efficiency in legal administration tasks. 

Embracing the Full Potential 

M365 offers much more than meets the eye, especially for law administrators looking to leverage technology to its fullest. By exploring these lesser-known benefits, legal professionals can unlock new levels of productivity, data governance, and security, transforming the way they manage and operate within the legal landscape.  

As technology continues to evolve, the potential of tools like M365 in the legal sector will only grow, offering ever more innovative ways to tackle the challenges of law administration.

Interested in learning how Microsoft 365 can benefit your firm? Contact an Innovative Account Executive today at 1-800-541-0450 or [email protected].