On Thursday, March 30, 2017, we will host Tom DeSot, Chief Information Office at our partner Digital Defense, Inc., for a discussion of penetration scanning, testing and training. Register to join us now!


Law firms across the globe are consistently implementing vulnerability scanning ddi.pngassessments, conducting penetration testing and introducing information security awareness training to employees. A common challenge is that some law firms continue to struggle with the ability to combine all of these efforts into a holistic information security program that demonstrates due diligence and protects sensitive data.


Join Tom Desot, CIO at Digital Defense, Inc. to gain insight into the best practices, tips and recommendations on how best to implement a comprehensive portfolio of initiatives that will showcase the firms proactive approach to protect client attorney privilege, defend data and address questions and concerns from key shareholders.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

12:30PM—2:00 PM ET

11:30 AM—1:00 PM CT

10:30 AM—12:00 PM MT

9:30 AM—11:00 AM PT


Register now!


Don’t want to wait for a cybersecurity review? Contact us. 

