Some organizations confront a seemingly insurmountable obstacle when trying to migrate to updated systems: a key legacy application simply won’t work on a new operating system. This can happen for a number of reasons, including the application requiring dependencies based on a specific version of Windows Server or the installation media or source code being lost. Fortunately, we’ve overcome that problem.


Our partners at AWS have launched the End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows ServerThis new program combines technology with expert guidance to migrate your legacy applications running on outdated versions of Windows Server to newer, supported versions on AWS.


If you have legacy applications on an out-of-date Windows Server, this program offers a unique long-term solution as opposed to just delaying the inevitable by purchasing Extended Support Updates. You don’t need to make a single code change in the legacy application and you also do not require the original installation media or source code.


Contact us today for more information about moving your legacy programs to the Innovative Cloud Solution powered by AWS with Innovative Computing Systems. Call 1-800-541-0450, email [email protected] or click below. 




Click here for more information on Microsoft products losing support in 2020.